QuoteIn thirty years, from a few crude experiments in the laboratory of a private chemist and artist, photography has extended its various applications and uses throughout the length and breadth of every quarter of our globe.
Albert S. Southworth, 1870
In thirty years, from a few crude experiments in the laboratory of a private chemist and artist, photography has extended its various applications and uses throughout the length and breadth of every quarter of our globe.
Albert S. Southworth, 1870
Innerhalb von dreißig Jahren hat die Fotografie, ausgehend von einigen rudimentären Experimenten im Labor eines privaten Chemikers und Künstlers, ihre verschiedenen Anwendungen und Verwendungszwecke auf alle Teile der Erde ausgedehnt.
Source: Albert S. Southwork, An Address to the National Photographic Association, 1870. Accessible through the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media / https://chnm.gmu.edu/aq/photos/texts/8pp315.htm [last accessed: 15.08.2022]